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Materials science and engineering major has passed the second accreditation of China Engineering Education


  Recently, the higher education teaching evaluation center of the Ministry of education and the China Engineering Education Professional Certification Association published a list of colleges and universities that have passed the engineering education certification in 2019. The material science and engineering specialty of our college is listed on the list, and has passed the China engineering education certification, with an effective period of 6 years (January 2020 to December 2025). In 2016, the major passed the engineering certification for the first time, with a validity period of three years. This is the second certification.
  Materials science and engineering is an outstanding engineer program major of the Ministry of education, an outstanding engineer education pilot program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, a comprehensive reform pilot program of Shanghai Higher Education during the 12th Five Year Plan period, and a demonstrative all English major in Shanghai universities. The specialty takes the cultivation of advanced engineering and technical talents with engineering ability, innovation ability and international vision as its talent training orientation. It has formed a characteristic talent training mode of "three relying and three interactive" relying on the interaction between new material industry and industrial development, relying on the interaction between advanced manufacturing discipline groups and disciplines, and relying on the interaction of teaching and scientific research of several innovative teams The industry quality ranks first in the whole school. There are 34 professional teachers in the major, 84.2% of them have overseas experience, 55.8% of them have engineering practice background, and more than 20 have the title of national and municipal talents. In recent five years, they have successively undertaken a number of teaching reform projects, such as the construction of demonstration college students' off campus practice base in Shanghai, key teaching reform projects of this subject in Shanghai universities, and successively won the excellent courses of Shanghai and Shanghai There are more than 20 construction projects of Shanghai key courses, Shanghai demonstration all English teaching courses and Shanghai Universities' English Teaching Demonstration Courses.
  In recent years, the major of materials science and engineering has been running schools in accordance with the concept of engineering certification, continuously optimizing the training objectives and graduation requirements, continuously improving the curriculum system, vigorously introducing talents, gradually building a high-level teaching staff, and constantly enriching the professional teaching support conditions. At the end of the validity period of the first certification, the application for engineering education certification was submitted at the end of 2018, and the self-evaluation report was submitted in July 2019. After passing the review by the material professional certification committee of China Engineering Education Professional Certification Association, the on-site inspection of the certification expert group was held in October 2019, which was fully affirmed and highly appraised by the certification experts, and passed the conclusion review recently It has been officially certified by China engineering education. The validity period of the certification is 6 years, from January 20120 to December 2025.
  The second accreditation of materials science and engineering specialty shows that the school running effect of our college in accordance with the concept of engineering accreditation has been re recognized, which is another important achievement of discipline and specialty construction of our college. In 2019, 402 specialties in China have passed the engineering certification, of which 14 have passed the certification.