Reasons for LIU Ping’s Nomination
On the morning of May 19, 2020, the 2019 Shanghai Science and technology award conference was held in the central hall of Shanghai Exhibition Center. Scientific and technological workers were awarded for their outstanding contributions in the science and technology innovations, economic and social developments of Shanghai. The project "key technology and industrialization of high performance copper alloy contact wire for high speed railway" completed by the "electrical functional materials" team led by Professor LIU Ping won the first prize of Shanghai Science and technology progress in 2019. With the support of the national "863" plan and after 18 years of cooperation in production, education and research, the project has developed the micro alloy collaborative strengthening technology, which breaks through the technical problems of high conductivity and high strength of copper alloy contact wire, as well as the technical problems of collaborative optimization with high wear resistance, anti-softening and other properties Cu Ag, Cu mg, Cu Cr Zr three series of high performance copper alloy contact wire. The key technologies of high-performance copper alloy contact wire preparation with high efficiency, low cost, large-scale and easy to popularize have been developed, breaking the monopoly and blockade of foreign technology, driving the development of the whole contact wire manufacturing industry, and making an important contribution to the development of high-speed railway in China.

Products designed by this project have provided power support for important national traffic lifelines such as Wuhan to Guangzhou high speed railway, Beijing to Shanghai high speed railway, Harbin to Dalian high speed railway, Lanxin high speed railway in Asia to Europe continental bridge line, Zhengzhou to Xi'an high speed railway, Shanghai to Metro, etc. to meet the needs of China's high-speed railway development and national strategic security. Products exported to Belarus, Korea and Australia and other countries and became an important part of the one belt one roadour national One belt, one road strategy.
A Brief Introduction of LIU
Prof. LIU Ping is current vice president, professor and doctoral supervisor of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology(USST). Vice president of heat treatment society of China, executive director of Instrument functional materials society of China, director of nonferrous metal heat treatment technical committee of China heat treatment society, vice president of Shanghai Mechanical Engineering Society and vice president of Shanghai nonferrous metal society. Journal of material heat treatment, Editorial Committee of metal heat treatment.
Prof. Liu is mainly engaged in the research and development of metal functional materials. In this field, he has successively presided over two national "863" projects and three national natural science funds. More than 400 papers have been published in academic journals, 260 of which have been indexed by SCI and EI. 5 academic monographs have been published. He has successively been awarded one second prize of national science and technology progress, two first prizes of provincial and ministerial science and technology progress, and three second prizes.
Prof. Liu has won the honors of "government allowance of the State Council", "national candidate for the one million talents project in the new century", "excellent backbone teacher of the Ministry of education", "cross century academic backbone of institutions affiliated to the Ministry of machinery", etc.