Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas) of NSFC
Title: 2D Graphene in a 3D Architecture: Bicontinuous Nanoporous Graphene for Energy Applications
Speaker: Jiuhui Han, Tianjin University of Technology
Time: December 19 (Tue), 2023. 19:00-20:00
Tencent Meeting: 273-205-444
Online Link: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/Rno7QPfWShMF
Constructing bulk graphene materials while preserving their inherent 2D properties is crucial for utilizing atomically thin graphene in various devices and engineering applications. Traditional 3D graphene structures, composed of discrete graphene nanosheets, fall short of achieving this objective due to issues such as graphene sheet restacking, weak Van der Waals contacts, and a high density of defects, which substantially compromise the distinctive characteristics of 2D graphene. In recent years, our efforts have led to the successful development of 3D continuously porous graphene by folding single-sheet graphene into a 3D bicontinuous porous architecture. This innovative material not only retains the 2D properties of graphene but also introduces novel functionalities stemming from its 3D structure, establishing a unique category of 3D graphene materials with a myriad of exceptional properties. Our comprehensive studies on this material span from the designable fabrication of 3D nanoporous graphene, with tunable microstructure and physicochemical properties, to exploring its wide range of applications in energy conversion and storage. This presentation will provide an overview of recent advances in overcoming challenges associated with developing 3D continuously porous graphene, highlight the benefits and opportunities that the new materials bring to energy-related applications, and discuss the remaining challenges that necessitate future research.
Brief CV of Dr. Jiuhui Han:
Dr. Jiuhui Han is currently a professor of materials science and engineering at Tianjin University of Technology (TUT). Prior to joining TUT, he was an assistant professor at the Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences (FRIS) and the Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR), Tohoku University, Japan. He received his Ph.D. in Materials Science from Tohoku University in 2017. His research focuses on the development and characterization of advanced nanoporous materials for energy-oriented applications.