In the beautiful season of October, Shanghai University of Technology (SUT) School of Materials and Chemistry (SMC) successfully held the 2024 School-Enterprise Seminar in the afternoon of 26th October in the 210th meeting room of the Materials Building. The representatives of enterprises attending this meeting were from Huazhi (Fujian) Electronic Technology Co., Casio (China) Trading Co., Beijing Pudian General Instrument Co. Ltd, Cao Ying, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College of Materials and Chemistry, Yan Jin, Deputy Secretary, Li Shengjuan, Vice Dean, Xiong Fei, teacher of the Department of Chemistry, Lin Zhiwei, counselor, and representatives of the students attended the meeting. This meeting aims to strengthen the communication and cooperation between the college and enterprises, and jointly explore new paths of talent training and cooperation between industry, academia, and research.

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