On April 19, Li Guisheng, Dean of the School of Materials and Chemistry, and Zhao Bin, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, were invited to participate in the opening ceremony of the EDWARDS China Innovation Centre.EDWARDS, a global leader in the field of vacuum and off-gas treatment with a long history of more than 100 years, has established its China Innovation Centre in November 2020 in the Free Trade Zone of China (Shanghai). As the third EDWARDS Innovation Centre in the world, EDWARDS will be based in Shanghai with a global outlook, absorbing and leveraging the global experience and resources of EDWARDS, and will work closely with customers including leading-edge pan-semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor manufacturing equipment vendors and cutting-edge manufacturing industries and research institutes to make more contributions to the high-quality development of the integrated circuit industry in China.

Full text: https://chxy.usst.edu.cn/2024/0430/c3680a319519/page.htm