Recently, Distinguished Professor Zichao Lian of the School of Materials and Chemistry, TUAT published an important research result titled "Photo self-Fenton Reaction Mediated by Atomically Dispersed Ag-Co Photocatalysts toward Efficient Degradation of Organic Pollutants" in the international top journal of chemistry, Angew. Chem. self-Fenton Reaction Mediated by Atomically Dispersed Ag-Co Photocatalysts toward Efficient Degradation of Organic Pollutants". Prof. Zichao Lian is the first and only author, and Prof. Hexing Li, President of Shanghai University of Electric Power (SUEP), and Shanghai University of Science and Technology (SUST) is the first corresponding author.

The treatment of organic industrial wastewater is related to human health and sustainable social development. The efficient treatment of toxic and harmful organic pollutants in organic wastewater is an important theme in this field. Currently, the conventional Fenton reaction is widely used in the treatment of organic wastewater, which mainly utilizes the redox reaction between Fe2+ and H2O2 to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) with high oxidative properties to degrade pollutants. However, due to the lack of effective degradation pathways and efficient selection of active sites, photochemical selective oxidation of pollutants and their complete mineralization still presents great challenges.
Constructing a photo-Fenton catalytic reaction by in situ generation of H2O2 provides an effective pathway for pollutant treatment. To this end, Lian Zichao et al. proposed an efficient photo-self-Fenton reaction for the degradation of pollutants using high-density (Ag: 22 wt.%) atomically dispersed AgCo bisites embedded in graphitic phase carbon nitride (AgCo-CN) photocatalysts. As shown in Fig. 1, the Ag and Co double sites in AgCo-CN play key roles in accelerating the light-induced charge separation and the formation of self-Fenton redox centers, respectively, and AgCo-CN possesses an effective degradation pathway, and the synergistic effect of reactive oxygen species (-OH and 1O2) achieves the complete mineralization of phenol, and the AgCo-CN exhibits excellent photocatalytic degradation performance and long-term activity . This study lays the foundation for the design of efficient photocatalysts for photoautofenton reaction, which is important for the development of new wastewater treatment methods.

Figure 1. Photocatalytic degradation mechanism of AgCo-CN
Detailed experimental results and analysis can be found in the original article
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