Dr. Jingcheng Xu

Academic careers
2002-2006: Bachelor's degree of Applied Chemistry, Yantai University
2006-2012: Doctor's degree of Condensed Matter Physics, Dalian University of Technology
2008-2009: Joint-Doctor student, Department of Applied Physics, KTH
2012-2013: Technical expert, Neotrident Ltd.
2013-: Lecturer, School of Materials Science and Engineering, USST
Research interests
DFT calculations for gas sensitive materials and gas sensor
DFT structure design
Molecular dynamics simulations for cross-link polymers
Machine-learning in materials science
Important research and development projects
Important papers and publications
JingCheng Xu*, YuXian Wang, Jie Lu, XiuMei Li, XianYing Wang, JunHe Yang, DFT studies of Ptn (n=2–13) clusters adsorbed on γ-graphyne, Vacuum, 2021, 183, 109847.
Jincan Cui#, Jingcheng Xu#, Jing Li*, Hanxun Qiu , Shiyou Zheng , Junhe Yang*, A crosslinkable graphene oxide in waterborne polyurethane anticorrosive coatings: Experiments and simulation, Composites Part B, 2020, 188, 107889.
JingCheng Xu#, JiaJia Zhang#, ZhengYang Cai, He Huang, TianHao Huang, Ping Wang*, XianYing Wang, Facile and Large-scale Synthesis of Defective Black TiO2-x(B) Nanosheets for Efficient Visible-light-driven Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, Catalysts, 2019, 9: 1048.
Jingcheng Xu*, Sichang Dai, Haoliang Li, Junhe Yang, Molecular dynamics simulation of the thermal conductivity of graphitized graphene/polyimide films, New Carbon Materials, 2018, 33(3): 213-220.
Jingcheng Xu, Yingchun Bian, Yi Liu*, Dong Zhai, Reactive molecular dynamics study of thermal decomposition of nanocarbon energetic composite materials, Computational Materials Science, 2017, 131: 126-131.
Qingwen Yi#, Jingcheng Xu#, Yi Liu, Dong Zhai, Kai Zhou, Deng Pan*, Molecular dynamics study on core-shell structure stability of aluminum encapsulated by nano-carbon materials, Chemical Physics Letters, 2017, 669: 192-195.
Xiaodong Zhang*#, Hongxin Li#, Xutian Lv, Jingcheng Xu*, Yuxin Wang, Chi He, Ning Liu, Yiqiong Yang, Yin Wang, Facile Synthesis of Highly Efficient Amorphous Mn-MIL-100 Catalysts: Formation Mechanism and Structure Changes during Application in CO Oxidation, Chemistry A European Journal, 2018, 4, 8822-8832.
Jin-Kuo Li, Ming-Yue Shao, Miao Yu, Weifeng Zhang, Zhi-Yong Yang*, Gui Yu*, Jingcheng Xu*, Wei Cui, Revealing the Influences of Solvent Boiling Point and Alkyl Chains on the Adlayer Crystallinity of Furan-Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Thienylene Copolymer at Molecular Level, Langmuir, 2020, 36: 141-147.
Important patents and proprietary rights
Jingcheng Xu, Jincan Cui, Jing Li, Yuxian Wang, Jie Lu, Junhe Yang, A computational method for constructing cross-link model of graphene oxide and polycarbodiimide, ZL201810643469.5
Contact me
E-mail: jchxu@usst.edu.cn
Tel: +86-15921682198