Academic careers
1995-1998:Master’s degree of Metal Plastic Forming, Nanchang University
1998-2002:Doctor’s degree of Materials Processing Engineering, Nanchang University
1998-2008: Lecturer,Associate professor, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanchang University
2002-2005: Post Doctor, Assistant Dean of SAIC-SJTU Die & Mold Center, National Die & Mold CAD Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2005-2007: Visiting Scholar, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic
2008-: Associate Professor, Subdean of Mechanical and Electrical Materials and Forming, Assistant Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering, USST
Research interests
Advanced materials forming, manufacturing and precise control, including forging, extrusion, stamping, injection molding, micro forming, etc.
Important research and development projects
Optimization of dies and molds used in automotive manufacturing, Shanghai VW Automotive Company Ltd. Foundation, 2016-2018
Analysis of stamping dies and injection molds used in automotive manufacturing,Shanghai VW Automotive Company Ltd. Foundation, 2012-2015
Intelligent optimization of aluminum profiles extrusion based on ANN and GA, Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation, 2007-2009
Important papers and publications
Research progress on semiconductor nanowires for high efficiency solar energy conversion [J]. J.Infrared Millim. Waves, 2019, 38(4): 508-519, 527
Creation and Practice on Simulation of Materials Forming [M]. China Machines Press, 2017
Basis and Application of Materials Processing CAD/CAM[M]. China Machines Press, 2013
Finite volume simulation and mould optimization of aluminum profile extrusion [J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2007,190:382-386
Important patents and proprietary rights
Honors and awards
Research on forming theory, numerical simulation and optimization method on extrusion of aluminum profiles,Jiangxi Provincial Natural Scientific Award,2006
Activities in professional associations
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